Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 15-21 January

  1. Visiting a music project and attending a New Year's reception, 17 January, in an old Oscar de la Renta coat. Let me tell you what we need more of in the royal sartorial sphere: Oscar de la Renta. Apart from devotee Queen Sofia...barely a scrap!
  2. New Year's reception, 18 January.
  3. a and b) Two different events, 19 January.
  4. At Jumping Amsterdam with the family, 21 January. It's a caped family affair! Máxima has her Zara cape on, and a lovely little Sound of Music affair on Alexia there.
Photos: ANP/Belga/Lehtikuva

Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 15-21 January Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik