Week in Review: Catherine Middleton, 13-19 March

 Here's what Kate wore from 13-19 March:

  1. Lunch with William and Pippa, 13 March. I must just not be a fan of this jacket on the whole, because I don't like this appearance either. I feel like there's a cute dress under there, just screaming to be let out. On the other hand, I'm very much enjoying this "my hair's interfering with my hard wedding planning work" on-the-fly bun situation.
  2. Out shopping, 18 March. Hair up! TWICE IN ONE WEEK! This is a caps-lock worthy occasion indeed. Last week, I was with you all on the theory that she might be leaving it down until the Big Day for maximum shock value, but now I don't know. Maybe she's starting to think we might not recognize her without her locks all a-flow, hmm? (Or she's just out and about and going the easy route. Yes, it's entirely possible she doesn't think about this crap as much as I do.) Anyways: a cute outfit for shopping, parking ticket avoidance, and the like. 
Update: Here she is again, checking out a rehearsal of the wedding music. I much prefer the brown boots to the black above with this jacket!
    Photos: Daily Mail/Brennan/Simpson/Diedda-Bushell/XculsivePix.com

    Week in Review: Catherine Middleton, 13-19 March Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik