Royal Trend Watch: Scandinavian Ski Fan Edition

I must say, few things have been more delightful in the Land of Royal Pictures this week than the Nordic Ski World Championships in Oslo. Naturally, the whole Norwegian royal fam's been out and about, and they've even been joined by some Swedes and a Dane. Not only have they given us a delicious display of Scandinavian sporting fashion, they've given us quite the show of Cute. Oh, I love it when royals go a-sporting.

First, you have to love the matching outfits.

Shouldn't you be required to have a choreographed group dance or vocal number at the ready when you go out like this?
The wave doesn't count.
A little Supremes action might, though.

It's cold outside, and we all know the best way to handle that: get all loved up.

An alternative option? Crack each other up.
Laughter: it warms the innards.

The kids come out to play.
And who doesn't love that?
 Everyone loves that.

There's the glee of a royal cheering section (jumpy fist pumps included!).

And even a royal attempt to spread the team spirit in unwelcome places:

Cheesy posed family pictures? Check.
See: royals? Maybe they're just like us after all.

Well, except I doubt any of us get a personal hug from the champion at the end of the day.
Soak it in, Mette-Marit. Soak it in.

Photos: Purepeople/Abaca/Daylife/Reuters/Svenskdam

Royal Trend Watch: Scandinavian Ski Fan Edition Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik