Month in Review: Queen Rania, June

Here's what Queen Rania wore in June:

  1.  Inaguration of Family Protection Directorate center, 4 June.
  2. Visiting Al Karak, 7 June.
  3. Crown Princess Victoria's wedding, 19 June.
  4. Visiting Aqaba for the Jordan River Foundation, 25 June.  Pretty typical Rania here, but she really should have belted this jacket (shirt?).  This just looks like a windbreaker thrown on at the last minute.
  5. Zaha Cultural Center in Amman, 28 June.  Yes, belts are defnitely the way to go.
  6. Meeting with US Entrepreneurial Delegation, 29 June.
  7. Jordan Festival, 30 June. 
  8. Military ceremony, 30 June.  A summery and fun take on the traditional thoub.
Best and Worst of the Month
Rania, like Letizia, enjoys a safari style jacket.  But there are right ways and wrong ways to wear it; the first appearance this month is pulled together with a colored belt to create a professional look.  The navy version, on the other hand, looks sloppy worn loose.

    Month in Review: Queen Rania, June Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik