Month in Review: Princess Madeleine, June

Here's what Princess Madeleine wore in June:

  1. Leaving New York for Sweden, 13 June.
  2. County Governors Dinner, 16 June.
  3. Private wedding lunch hosted by the King, 18 June.
  4. Pre-wedding dinner and concert, 18 June.
  5. Crown Princess Victoria's wedding, 19 June.
  6. World Childhood Foundation dinner in London, 30 June.
Best and Worst of the Month
The last evening dress of the month is the only one that doesn't look a little cheap to me, so it wins.  I know it's not really fair to name the outfit you wear on a long plane trip the worst, but if you knew you were going to be photographed (and obviously Madeleine knew her trip back to Sweden would be documented), you'd think you could do better than this.

Photos: Scanpix/Daylife/Actionpress/BEW/Abaca/PurePeople

Month in Review: Princess Madeleine, June Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik