Flashback Friday: Guillaume and Stéphanie's Wedding

That's right, it's me, back again with another Friday video post. I'm determined that you shall not have a productive Friday! You will be lured into my world of YouTube-induced procrastination. Step into my web...

Earlier this week, half of you people were all, "Oh no, Stéphanie and Claire's wedding gowns were too similar! Two gorgeous wedding gowns, the horror!" (I kid because I love.) I had no choice but to rewatch Stéphanie's wedding, you see. And now I think you should too; after all, it is nearly their one year anniversary, and a tribute is in order. So here we go, the October 2012 religious wedding of the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy:

Video: This is a playlist and should take you directly from one part to the next - you can also click on the video title and go to YouTube instead.

Flashback Friday: Guillaume and Stéphanie's Wedding Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik