Weekly Royal Fashion Awards: January 6-12

Things were still pretty slow last week in royal land. Nevertheless…

Best in Distractions
The Duchess of Cambridge
Hey! We finally figured out what it takes to shift the general conversation away from clothes and babies - if only for a mere second - and all it took was one questionable portrait. The more you know.

Best in…
Princess Letizia
At audiences.
Uh...hair? Sure, let’s go with hair.

Best in Questionable
Princess Mathilde
Attending a New Year reception
You know, the more I look at this one, the less I like the little jacket. She's trying to take the dress down a notch, and I don't think it's working so well.

And an Honorable Mention to...
Princess Charlene
This is both lovely on her and informative, because she wore white. Privilège du blanc – the privilege for a lady to wear white when in an audience with the Pope – hasn't been associated with Monaco in the past (Princess Grace wore black, as most ladies are expected to do). The Vatican confirmed this was the appropriate dress, so this is no faux pas. Innnnteresting.

Who caught your eye last week?

Photos: Getty Images/PPE

Weekly Royal Fashion Awards: January 6-12 Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik