Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 1-7 July

  1. Attending a concert of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, 4 July. OH NO. One of my least favorite Máxima outfits of ALL TIME has RETURNED. NOOOOOOO. MORE CAPS LOCK.
  2. At a museum exhibition opening, 5 July.
  3. a and b) Annual family photo shoot, 7 July. But then! Seriously, I think this is the best Máx has looked (without an evening gown and tiara on) in for-e-ver. The trousers are so flattering, and look! A good hair day! Well done.
Photos: PPE/DutchPhotoPress/RVD

Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 1-7 July Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik