Week in Review: Charlene Wittstock, 19-25 June

Here's what Charlene wore from 19-25 June:

  1. a, b, and c) More pre-wedding interviews. Good grief, so many interviews, I didn't even attempt to make sure I had them all. All the interviews in the world won't make this wedding as popular as William and Kate's, kids, that's just the way it is. And since I'm clearly in a catty mood already, I'll just round it out: outfit 1c has been stolen from the set of The Golden Girls, and should be returned ASAP.
  2. Attending the St. Jean procession, 23 June. See also: the fantastic detail on the dress fabric, and the shoes. This, I think, is lovely.
  3. At the Jumping International de Monte-Carlo, 24 June. I like this one too. Very demure.
  4. Cocktail party for Jumping International de Monte-Carlo, 24 June, a) on Charlene and b) from Lanvin. It's not so much the dress I take issue with here as it is the shoes. If you look in the dictionary under the term "clodhoppers", I believe you'll find a photo of these babies. Also, she makes a totally comical picture next to stuffy old Albert.
  5. In Athens for the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics Summer Games, 25 June. I'd need to see this outfit in action to judge. Because this is the sort of thing that you just have to commit to, no hesitation, and a photo can't tell me if she did that. You know what I mean?
Photos: Profimedia/Reuters/Daylife/Style.com/GoRunway.com/Yannis Vlamos

Week in Review: Charlene Wittstock, 19-25 June Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik