Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 30 January - 5 February

Here's what Princess Máxima wore the week of 30 January - 5 February:

  1. Starting a youth healthy weight program and visiting the Korzo theater in the Hague, 1 February, a) with a rather bathrobe-like coat and b) without, where the trousers could use a little more length.
  2. a) and b) Visiting the Mytikas project, 3 February. Because there weren't many good pictures from this event, I present you with c) the last appearance of these trousers from 2009. Gorgeous reader Susan termed them "knickerbockers" when she emailed me about this travesty, and I couldn't agree more with that characterization. I'm filing this one under "things that should be worn on a Scottish golf course" and also "worst outfit of 2011 contenders". 
Best and Worst of the Week
Outfit 1 is not the sort of thing that I would name the best of the week under any other circumstances, but I can not abide by knickerbockers or shootie-looking things. Excuse me, I mean SHOOTIES. And KNICKERBOCKERS. Good grief. To be fair, if I were grading based on jewelry alone, I'd flip that verdict: 
I love those gold earrings, but spiders as jewelry just creep me out. We have officially reached the perimeters of my magpie love for shiny things.


Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 30 January - 5 February Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik