Royal Trend Watch: Máxima's Other Twin

NATAN's fashions, as we know, run unfortunately amok among the ladies of the Benelux royal houses.  We've seen Princess Máxima play the twin game with Luxembourg's Princess Alexandra - on the same day, even - and now we're moving on to her other twin, Princess Mathilde.

Mathilde, today:

Máxima, two days ago (she's carrying a tan cardigan, even):
At least Mathilde wasn't wearing black tights with brown shoes.  (Seriously, Máx?)

You'd think their stylists or dressers would pay attention to this.  I mean, it's happened before:
And surely it will happen again.  Until next time, ladies...

Photos: Belga/Albert Nieboer/Eric Vidal

Royal Trend Watch: Máxima's Other Twin Rating: 4.5 Post By: Didik