Video: The royal family's arrival, wind struggles included
Most of the ladies stuck to their usual playbooks: Margrethe in a repeat, Benedikte in a combination of things that wouldn't work on anyone else (that over-sized coat thing, that necklace!), Marie just a notch short of a true success (lose the netting on the hat, maybe? Something's just a bit off).The exception here was Mary, who chose to tear a page out of someone else's playbook. The pillbox perched on the back of the head to cover the hair, the simple coat...dye that hair blonde, and I'd swear Mette-Marit had fled to Denmark just for the chance to attend a parliament opening. I like the back of the head thing when M-M does it, and I like it here too, so that's a well played from me. Et toi?
Photo: BT video